93% of Business Owners Overpay Their Taxes. Are You One of Them?

When was the last time your tax professional called and said, "I have an idea that will save you money?"

93% of Business Owners Overpay Their Taxes. Are You One of Them?

When was the last time your tax professional called and said, "I have an idea that will save you money?"

Why Do So Many Business Owners Overpay Their Taxes?

A survey published in Forbes magazine showed 93% of business owners pay more tax than they’re legally required to pay. How can that be when most of them have perfectly competent accountants working on their behalf?  The answer is that, while most tax professionals do a perfectly good job putting the “right” numbers in the “right” boxes on the “right forms,” that’s when they call it a day. They don’t have the time, the training, or the temperament to help you go beyond mere numbers in boxes.

They tell you how much you owe. But they don’t tell you how to pay less.

Want more proof? Ask yourself, when was the last time your tax pro came to you with an idea to save money? If the answer is “never,” then you’re in that 93% that are paying too much! That's why we offer:

  • No cost, no obligation discovery call

  • Plans created by a nationally recognized team of experts

  • Results guaranteed - it's like heads you win, tails you don't lose

Lowering Your Taxes Works Just Like Going to the Doctor

Most business owners have never done any sort of formal tax planning, so they have no idea how it works. Our process works the same way as what happens when you visit the doctor because you’re sick. Typically, three things happen:

First, the doctor examines you and diagnoses the problem. Does your stomach hurt? Maybe it’s food poisoning. Maybe it’s something more serious. Maybe it’s really bad. Regardless, the doctor has to figure out what the problem is before they can solve it.

Next, the doctor prescribes the solution. What’s it going to take to fix the problem they diagnosed in Step One?

Finally, someone has to fill that prescription. That might involve a trip to the pharmacy for medication. It might mean surgery. It might mean physical therapy. But if the problem is serious, it’s not just going to fix itself.

A Proven Methodology to Help You Pay Less...

Legally. Morally. Ethically.

There’s no cost for us to walk you through our Discovery Call and submit your returns to our team of experts. If you qualify for our service, we’ll tell you upfront exactly how much we’ll save. In fact, we’ll guarantee it, or you’ll get part or all of your money back. It’s like flipping a coin where the rules are “heads you win, tails you don’t lose.” There’s literally no risk to get the ball rolling.

First, we diagnose the "patient"

The “diagnosis” starts with a Discovery Call. We’ll ask you questions about your goals and resources to better understand your situation. Then we’ll review your business and personal tax returns and any supporting documents like investment portfolio statements. That’s how we spot the mistakes and missed opportunities that cost you taxes you don't have to pay.

Next, we write the "prescription"

The prescription takes the form of a written Tax Reduction Plan that introduces you to the strategies you’re missing. Our specialists will use the information gathered in the first step to identify every possible deduction and strategy to achieve the maximum possible savings. And the results are GUARANTEED.

Finally, we "fill" the prescription

We work with our affiliated CPA firm and a team of nationally recognized experts to fill your prescription. From Employee Retention Credits, to Research and Development Credits, to capital gains tax deferral and advanced strategies leveraging trusts and charitable foundations - we work with the best of the best to ensure we meet our guaranteed savings promise.

Natalia Samoilenko and the team at Excel Empire help businesses save money through the use of advanced tax strategies

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Years of Experience


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In Tax Credits


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George Owens

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Max Tanner

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Kim Wexler

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Billy Jackson

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About Natalia Samoilenko

My name is Natalia Samoilenko, and I’m an evangelist for cost savings. I specialize in helping successful business owners - and their advisors - find ways to save money.

These savings opportunities can come in many forms, but TAXES are usually the biggest opportunity.

That's why I’m partnering with Excel Empire to bring the benefits of tax planning and advanced tax strategies to you and your clients.

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